November 3, 2015

Weekending | Football, Halloween, Toddler Moment

How is it already November?? I was just reminding myself that I needed to return a shirt I bought back in September, but in my mind I've only had it about 2 weeks. Sigh. Fall has just flown by and it still feels like summer here! Sidenote... I hope I can still return my shirt. :( I bought it from a local boutique, never washed it and went to wear it (because clearly I had nothing else to wear in my closet full of clothes.. right?) when I noticed two holes in the sleeves like where your thumb would be, and a few more tiny holes in the seems on the arms. The sleeves were rolled when I tried it on and I unrolled it to wear as a long sleeve, noticing the holes then. I have no tags and the receipt was sent via text and I know I no longer have it. I hope they can do something about it.

Back to what this post was really about... Weekending. Linking up with Biana.
Friday night we had a game that would secure us a spot in the playoffs if we won. Kick off was at 7:30 but Tate's brother and his wife (my best friend), Skyler and Rachel, were coming into town and were running late. Rachel is pregnant and was hungry so we opted to miss kick off and eat pizza. We showed up late and not 5 minutes after we got there it started raining. We piled our umbrellas to keep us mostly dry but water was running down my umbrella and the left side of my leg and butt were soaked. How nice! It started raining harder right at halftime but the other teams band went on out to perform and just as soon as Ballinger's band made their way out there, they called for lightning delay. Each lightning strike that is closer than 8 miles (I think) calls for a 15 minute delay. Second half was to start at 9:30. We live less than a mile from the stadium so Rachel and I decided we were going to go home and change into dry clothes and be back for the start of the second half.  After getting changed, Brylee started to get super sleepy and super cranky so we just decided we wouldn't go back and started to go through B's baby things for Rachel to take back with her. I was texting one of the other coach's fiance when she informed me the game was postponed until Saturday at 2. Awesome. We had big plans to go to Odessa and surprise our parents but now weren't sure how that would go.

Saturday rolled around and we had a very lazy morning. Skyler and Rachel left for Dallas so it was just me and Brylee. She did a lot of reading and I cleaned and watched TV. I had to take a picture of how she was reading....or more so of what she did when she finished with a book. It's so like me.

My OCD-ness. I thrive on things going in order. Example: If I'm using highlighters, they 'line up' and I use one, put it at the end of the line, use the next, and so on. I did this growing up too; blocks, crayons, etc. I do it now... nail polish, highlighters (work and school), books. Most people don't get it but I know I'm not the only person out there that does this. It made my heart happy to see that B was doing it. Most of the time she is just like Tate, but moments like this definitely make her my daughter.

We started getting ready about 12:30 and were back up at the stadium around 1:50. Saying B loves her rain boots would be a complete understatement. She's obsessed. She would wear them everyday if she could. Today it happened to be very wet from the night before, so she was thrilled to wear them again. They are just from Walmart, but girlfriend doesn't care. She loves them. Many people make comments to her about her boots and she simply replies with 'you can't have them' no matter what their comment is. 

And there's Tate doing his thing. He absolutely loves what he does. While I wonder constantly what I'm supposed to do with my life as far as a career goes, this is exactly what Tate was meant to do.

The game ended with a great big Bearcat win, 41-7. YAY! We're going to the playoffs. We were finished by 3 and decided to go ahead and go to Odessa. It was a HUGE surprise for all our parents. I wish I had videos of both, but it was priceless. I failed when it came to taking pictures, but here is my adorable black cat.

We were up bright and early Sunday because we had to be back in Ballinger by 8 for Tate to game plan for this Friday's game. While he did that Brylee and I went to San Angelo to get some last minute things for the baby shower and go to the grocery store. We went to Dillards first and tried on some pants. This girl is growing super fast and all 2T things are getting short on her. Cheers for adjustable waistbands. My girl in 3T, be still my heart.

We shopped around the mall for a few things. I needed some candles from Bath and Body Works and I scored a great deal on my mom's Christmas present. I'm so excited about it. If I knew she didn't read this, I'd gladly share my findings with you. I will share my candles, though. They are the best. :) 

Target was our next stop for gift wrapping things and that's where the melt down happened. Toddler Moment. Oh how I just love a 2 year old melt down over a Palace Pet's pony. She is obsessed with these things but a birdie told me she was getting them for her birthday and poor girl just doesn't like the word no. If you're not aware of the lovely Palace Pets, they are the pet's of the Disney Princesses. A huge hit at our house.

At this point I decided we weren't going to the grocery store and I wasn't cooking. We checked out at Target, screaming toddler and all, and headed to Rosas for dinner. I'm not even a huge Rosa's fan but Tate and B love it so I caved. It was terrible. They were out of rice, didn't give us our extra tortillas, and the queso was abnormally spicy so that made B even more upset. Can't win all the time.

Tate got finished around 8:30.. yes he worked 8-8:30 all for the love of the game. It's like this every day almost. He ate, we went to bed hoping for a better day today. More on that tomorrow.

Happy Monday and November my friends,
Leah :)

I have tried and tried to get my pictures to center and it's driving be up the wall that they wont! Lovely.