November 3, 2015

Weekending | Football, Halloween, Toddler Moment

How is it already November?? I was just reminding myself that I needed to return a shirt I bought back in September, but in my mind I've only had it about 2 weeks. Sigh. Fall has just flown by and it still feels like summer here! Sidenote... I hope I can still return my shirt. :( I bought it from a local boutique, never washed it and went to wear it (because clearly I had nothing else to wear in my closet full of clothes.. right?) when I noticed two holes in the sleeves like where your thumb would be, and a few more tiny holes in the seems on the arms. The sleeves were rolled when I tried it on and I unrolled it to wear as a long sleeve, noticing the holes then. I have no tags and the receipt was sent via text and I know I no longer have it. I hope they can do something about it.

Back to what this post was really about... Weekending. Linking up with Biana.
Friday night we had a game that would secure us a spot in the playoffs if we won. Kick off was at 7:30 but Tate's brother and his wife (my best friend), Skyler and Rachel, were coming into town and were running late. Rachel is pregnant and was hungry so we opted to miss kick off and eat pizza. We showed up late and not 5 minutes after we got there it started raining. We piled our umbrellas to keep us mostly dry but water was running down my umbrella and the left side of my leg and butt were soaked. How nice! It started raining harder right at halftime but the other teams band went on out to perform and just as soon as Ballinger's band made their way out there, they called for lightning delay. Each lightning strike that is closer than 8 miles (I think) calls for a 15 minute delay. Second half was to start at 9:30. We live less than a mile from the stadium so Rachel and I decided we were going to go home and change into dry clothes and be back for the start of the second half.  After getting changed, Brylee started to get super sleepy and super cranky so we just decided we wouldn't go back and started to go through B's baby things for Rachel to take back with her. I was texting one of the other coach's fiance when she informed me the game was postponed until Saturday at 2. Awesome. We had big plans to go to Odessa and surprise our parents but now weren't sure how that would go.

Saturday rolled around and we had a very lazy morning. Skyler and Rachel left for Dallas so it was just me and Brylee. She did a lot of reading and I cleaned and watched TV. I had to take a picture of how she was reading....or more so of what she did when she finished with a book. It's so like me.

My OCD-ness. I thrive on things going in order. Example: If I'm using highlighters, they 'line up' and I use one, put it at the end of the line, use the next, and so on. I did this growing up too; blocks, crayons, etc. I do it now... nail polish, highlighters (work and school), books. Most people don't get it but I know I'm not the only person out there that does this. It made my heart happy to see that B was doing it. Most of the time she is just like Tate, but moments like this definitely make her my daughter.

We started getting ready about 12:30 and were back up at the stadium around 1:50. Saying B loves her rain boots would be a complete understatement. She's obsessed. She would wear them everyday if she could. Today it happened to be very wet from the night before, so she was thrilled to wear them again. They are just from Walmart, but girlfriend doesn't care. She loves them. Many people make comments to her about her boots and she simply replies with 'you can't have them' no matter what their comment is. 

And there's Tate doing his thing. He absolutely loves what he does. While I wonder constantly what I'm supposed to do with my life as far as a career goes, this is exactly what Tate was meant to do.

The game ended with a great big Bearcat win, 41-7. YAY! We're going to the playoffs. We were finished by 3 and decided to go ahead and go to Odessa. It was a HUGE surprise for all our parents. I wish I had videos of both, but it was priceless. I failed when it came to taking pictures, but here is my adorable black cat.

We were up bright and early Sunday because we had to be back in Ballinger by 8 for Tate to game plan for this Friday's game. While he did that Brylee and I went to San Angelo to get some last minute things for the baby shower and go to the grocery store. We went to Dillards first and tried on some pants. This girl is growing super fast and all 2T things are getting short on her. Cheers for adjustable waistbands. My girl in 3T, be still my heart.

We shopped around the mall for a few things. I needed some candles from Bath and Body Works and I scored a great deal on my mom's Christmas present. I'm so excited about it. If I knew she didn't read this, I'd gladly share my findings with you. I will share my candles, though. They are the best. :) 

Target was our next stop for gift wrapping things and that's where the melt down happened. Toddler Moment. Oh how I just love a 2 year old melt down over a Palace Pet's pony. She is obsessed with these things but a birdie told me she was getting them for her birthday and poor girl just doesn't like the word no. If you're not aware of the lovely Palace Pets, they are the pet's of the Disney Princesses. A huge hit at our house.

At this point I decided we weren't going to the grocery store and I wasn't cooking. We checked out at Target, screaming toddler and all, and headed to Rosas for dinner. I'm not even a huge Rosa's fan but Tate and B love it so I caved. It was terrible. They were out of rice, didn't give us our extra tortillas, and the queso was abnormally spicy so that made B even more upset. Can't win all the time.

Tate got finished around 8:30.. yes he worked 8-8:30 all for the love of the game. It's like this every day almost. He ate, we went to bed hoping for a better day today. More on that tomorrow.

Happy Monday and November my friends,
Leah :)

I have tried and tried to get my pictures to center and it's driving be up the wall that they wont! Lovely.

October 28, 2015

What's Up Wednesday | October

Well.. I'm back again to this lovely blog space of mine. I haven't been here since the last What's Up Wednesday post. I was just telling my mom on the phone that I'm in some kind of funk and can't seem to get  myself back in a normal routine. But who am I kidding, it's football season and we don't really have a 'normal'. I don't even know what it's like to have a normal routine anymore.. except for working 8-5. Everything else it just a fly by the seat of your pants kinda thing... which I hate.

Thanks, OCD personality. Sigh.. Nonetheless, here I am again with a Wednesday catch up and I'm hoping to start making more posts again but I can't make any promises.

  • What we're eating this week...
Monday: Crockpot Ribs, mac and cheese, and squash
Tuesday: Sloppy Joe Pie and sweet potato fries
Wednesday: Mix and Match Mama's Apple Cider Pork. I went home for lunch and it smells amazing
Thursday: Probably leftovers. Tate goes to the JV games and they are away this week and there's no fast food to just grab and go, so it'll probably be leftovers.
Friday: Football Game... we eat out.
Saturday: No plans
Sunday: Pineapple grilled chicken and zucchini.
  • What I'm reminiscing about...
Well, thanks to Timehop, I'm reminiscing about Brylee's first Halloween. Just look at my sweet little ghost!

And then, also thanks to Timehop, look at that baby standing all on her own. And she was only about a head taller than the coffee table. Now she's a little over 3 foot and a complete sass! Ahh.. all these sweet baby moments. I need another.  
  • What I'm loving...
My Rodan + Fields! I've always struggled with acne. It started realllly early for me, long before it should have. I've tried so much. Prescriptions, drugstore products and high end products. The last thing I tried was Clinique's Acne line and it did okay, but I was still having constant breakouts and it did nothing for my cystic acne. I finally bit the bullet and messaged Erika at A Little Bit of Everything and she set me right up with R+F's unblemish line. I'm three weeks in and currently have two spots on my face. Two. Yes, two!! After 15 years, this may be the stuff, y'all! 
  • What we've been up to...
 Well, since we last talked

We've gone to the State Fair and had a blast.

Went to the Homecoming Parade. Welcome to small town life. :)
 Brylee got to join Tate in it.

I started painting Brylee's room and bought paint for the living room and our bedroom. Here are the before (before we even moved in) and during.. I don't quite have an after yet.

We had pink pancakes.. just because.

Had family pictures made. I'll share more later. :)

Played in the puddles.

Went to a Halloween carnival. Props to my friend Linzi for doing this with Brylee!

And, football. Always football. :)

  • What I'm dreading...
 Well, a month ago I was dreading painting the wood paneling in the living room. Guess what? I'm still dreading painting that AND now I've decided to whitewash our fireplace. Here's why... we went to pick out the colors for the living room, Brylee's bedroom and our bedroom. The last two were easy, the living room, however, we couldn't agree on. I wanted a sandy brown and Tate wanted grey. I just knew grey wouldn't look as good as he imagined but I let him think so and we bought a sample. I was worried the grey wouldn't look good with our fireplace so I painted the area right next to it. Guess what? I was right. :) The color is pretty, but it's all wrong next to the fireplace. So, after much debate about it, I looked up ways to paint fireplaces and have decided to whitewash it.

I'm not quite sure what I've gotten myself into. Has anybody else ever done this? Thanks pinterest!
  • What I'm working on...
 What am I not working on should be the question, but most importantly I need to work on Brylee's Halloween costume. Yes I'm aware Halloween is this weekend, but I'm quite the procrastinator and my best work is almost always done last minute. I have everything I need, except time. Ha. Last weekend she went as Rapunzel but that's not her actual costume. 
  • What I'm excited about...
This weather. It's finally starting to feel like fall here. I actually wore boots and sweaters three times this week! 
  • What I'm watching/reading...
I haven't had any down time to read. Watching? Ha on that too! I've "watched" things like The Voice and Dancing with the Stars while cooking/cleaning/laundry. On the occasion that a favorite happens to dance (uhhh like Nick Carter) I do actually sit to watch. Yes, he makes my pre-teen heart happy. :)

Last night, I did have the game on, though.

If your curious, I do have some down time at work and that's where I blogged today. Except pictures. I waited until I got home to download my pictures here.
  • What I'm listening to...
Thomas Rhett on Pandora but I'd be lying if I said I didn't listen to Christmas music today. 
  • What I'm wearing...
Currently, this. Excuse my mirror. It's the only full length mirror I have in this house. That's on our 'to do' list.

haha.. I love that I can wear my sweats. I change into comfy clothes the minute I'm home. I don't care if I'm only going to be home for 30 minutes, comfy clothes, y'all! These are my favorite and unfortunately Nike has discontinued them. But, today I wore this.

Y'all, this shirt is everything. It is my current favorite. I may have actually squealed when I opened the package. It's from Pearl and Monroe and Jessica has such cute stuff! I'm too tall for it to be worn with just leggings, but it rocked with skinny jeans!
  • What I'm doing this weekend...
We have big Halloween plans this weekend! 

  • What I'm looking forward to next month...
My best friend's baby shower, finishing my Christmas shopping (60% done), and enjoy every bit of Thanksgiving. 
  • What else is new..
This. This is new. 

I never sleep in! I'm always up before my alarm clock but remember from the top of this post, I'm in a funk. Sleeping in happens to be part of that. This was the first thing I saw this morning on Instagram so it must be a sign. I'VE GOT TO START WAKING UP EARLY AGAIN!

Apparently spelling is also part of this funk. It took me way too many times to spell sleeping! What? I'm losing it, I tell ya!
  • What's my favorite Thanksgiving recipe...
My pumpkin roll. Seriously so good. 
Recipe to come later. 

Hope you had the best day!

September 30, 2015

What's Up Wednesday | September

Well, Hello lovelies! I had no intentions of going so long without blogging, but life happens, right? Last time I wrote, we were in the very early stages of moving. We spent the entire summer looking for a house, trying to decide whether to rent or buy, and moving from south Texas back to west Texas. It was a beautiful chaotic mess but that's the glamorous life of a football coach for ya! :) I didn't even know if I wanted to start blogging again, but to be honest, I really enjoy it. 5 followers or 1,000 followers, to me it's my own little escape, something I can do to share thoughts, feelings, or updates! So, in trying to play catch up, I decided no post would be better than linking up with Shay, Sheaffer and Mel for a What's Up Wednesday post!

1. What we're eating this week:
 Let me just explain something first.. we moved to a small town. Tiny. We have a small (and I mean teeny tiny) Walmart and a local grocery that has all necessities but not a lot of variety so I have to go to San Angelo or Abilene (40 min drive) to get groceries. Joys! We were out of town over the weekend so I went shopping on Monday night which meant drive thru Rosas for dinner. If you're from west Texas, you understand. Here is our weekly menu (there's a Mix and Match Mama recipe on there, too):

2. What I'm reminiscing about:
Our old houses. I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that we will move around a lot. Each house we've lived in were made our home for that period of time and each hold their own memories. The plus side to living in multiple houses is that when we do get settled for a longer period of time I will know EXACTLY what I want my house to be like. So far I have a list of things I love and hate about the way each house was built. :)

3. What I'm loving:
I recently bought a ton of new fall clothes; some have made it and some have not.  Here's some of my favorites of what has!
Toms Booties

Altar'd State Plaid Dress | Infinity Scarf

4. What we've been up to:
 Football, Football, Football and settling into our new home. Brylee's bedroom and our dining room are the only rooms that are finished, and I say finished very loosely. Things are put up on the walls and everything is where it belongs, but painting definitely needs to be done.

5. What I'm dreading:
 We have a ton of updates we want to do to our new home but first thing on our priority list I'm sooooo dreading. PAINT. WOOD. PANELING. It exhausts me just thinking about it. We could take it down but there isn't sheetrock behind it so a painting project would turn into so much more and since we know this isn't our 'forever home', we don't want to spend that money on it. These pictures were taken before we moved in, but as you can see.. wood paneling everywhere! It'll be a project that's for sure.

6. What I'm working on:
My best friends baby shower and Brylee's 3rd birthday party! The shower is in November and Brylee's birthday is mid-December but I wanted to get ahead of myself so when these next few holiday's come up, I can completely enjoy them without having to worry about completing anything else. Hallelujah! I'm doing a Gingerbread House theme for Brylee's birthday and Rachel is doing a Tribal them with those colors in the nursery. I'm in love with both.

7. What I'm excited about:
Getting my new Keuirg! Unfortunately mine broke during the move and I've reverted to an 'original' coffee pot. However, this is headed my way. I don't know if I'm more excited about the fact that it's bigger than my old one or that its white! I'm in love.

8. What I'm watching/reading:
 Watching: Dancing With The Stars, The Voice, and Football, lots of football! I wanted so badly to watch Grandfathered last night but forgot to set my DVR! Dang! Maybe next week.

Reading: I'm in the middle of reading Someone Like You and when I'm finished with that one, The Nightingale should have arrived at my front door. :)

9. What I'm listening to:
Rod Stewart on Pandora. My mom will be so proud when she reads this. :) Hi mom.

10. What I'm wearing:
Currently, my VS jammies. These to be exact.

11. What I'm doing this weekend:
Well, I just got word today that Tate is off for the weekend so we are leaving for Dallas Friday night and going to the State Fair on Saturday. We don't really have any other plans while we're there and sometimes that makes for the best time. I can't wait. Brylee will love it.

12. What I'm looking forward to next month:
All the fall things! And yes, I was singing it like Blink-182's All the Small Things in my head. :)

13. What else is new:
When we first found out we were moving, it was decided I would go back to work. I had been staying home with Brylee for almost a year and wasn't sure how the transition would be for me, not her. She is very social and loves to be around other kids so I just knew she'd love 'school'. SHE HATES IT! Well, hold on, she doesn't hate the school, the kids, the teachers, etc, but she hates me dropping her off. I can stop by randomly during the day and she has the best attitude. When I pick her up she tells me she had a good day playing and having sleepovers (nap time, ha!), but dropping her off, whew, that's hard on both of us. She just cries and cries, tells me she wants to stay home with me, and one day even asked me why I didn't love her to stay home. broke. my. heart. She's too young to understand why she has to go to school and I pray and pray that it gets easier on her. We're going on 6 weeks, y'all. This was on her first day and she was so excited, until I dropped her off.

14. What is my favorite Halloween tradition:
Well, we don't have one yet! We've only had 3 Halloweens with Brylee, each year being in a different place. I'd like to start some kind of a tradition with her, though. Maybe a spooky dinner before trick or treating. We'll see.

And Wednesday, that's whats up! Hopefully there won't be another long blogging break after this.

Have a great day friends.  