January 26, 2015

Weekend Recap #1

Hi my lovely blogging friends! This is my very first link up with the Weekending girls, Meghan and Biana, and I'm so excited to join. This weekend was pretty low key, as most weekends are in the Mc'Smith house. We are at the end of Tate's off season; track starts this week and arena football the next so I took full advantage of having him here.

Friday night we went to the RGV Viper's game (D-league basketball team to the Rockets) and had a blast.  Brylee loved the music and danced with the cheerleaders but wanted absolutely nothing to do with the mascot! "No mom, snakes are bad!" Good girl B! :)

Saturday was mostly lazy.  We slept in, ran a few errands and put together B's new trampoline, another Christmas present.I started it but needed another set of hands to finish it. Now it's done and B loves it! Dustee even enjoyed a bit of trampoline play time.

Brylee and I cuddled up that night to watch Rio2 and Tate went to another Vipers game with some friends.

Sunday was a little more eventful, keyword: little.  We had a lazy morning, got ready to go to lunch and the grocery store (eventful, see?). I suggested just going somewhere quick like Whataburger but Tate was driving and pulled up to Joe's Crab Shack. How could I resist? I enjoyed some fried fish, Tate had a Steampot and B had mac and cheese! So her. She wouldn't even touch the fish or crab.

He ended up having a meeting with the arena team earlier than expected so grocery shopping right after got put on hold. He said we could go Monday but, hello! This will sum that up:

After the meeting we made a quick trip to Dillards, then to the grocery store. Within 10 minutes of our house we have access to about 5 HEB's so we tried a new one.. not impressed. Once we got back home neither of us wanted to cook so pizza it was while watching the Pro Bowl.

Eventful, I told ya!

Have a happy week my friends!


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