Okay, so I'm a little behind on posting the cleaning and organizing days. I really haven't had the time to sit in front of the computer to type them up. I have a few hours today so I may post more than one day.. don't get confused!
Day 12
Clean: Guest room. Tasks:
- tidy area by placing all items where they belong
- wash bedding if needed
- empty bins
- dust/wipe over surfaces
- clean window
- pick up items from the floor
- vacuum
Declutter: Lotions, soaps, perfumes and hair products. We all have more than we need and if you haven't used it in months, you won't be using it any time soon.
Organize: Craft area. Put things together in groups and make the area tidy.
New Habit: Lay clothes out for the next day; head to toe.
5 Minutes Only: Hows your main bedroom looking after the wonderful clean we gave it? Today's task is to spend 5 minutes straightening up or wiping over surfaces so you can maintain a tidy bedroom.
Before Clean: Okay, remember a few cleaning days ago I said that Brylee sleeps in the guest room... here it is! This is how it was painted when we first moved here so I was going to keep it and do some kind of nautical theme with it. We aren't moving anytime soon so this room will be painted and girly in a few weeks! Brylee's room will be turned into the guest room and I'll keep the blue and white theme it is. There wasn't really a mess to clean in this room, just a lot of dusting.
I wish Tate had an office to put all this in! You should see the 'mural'
of all his football stuff. I'll show that another day, but my gosh! The
boy has a lot! At our old house he had a man cave (before I turned it
into a playroom :) ) and it was all there.. One day, Leah, one day. |
After Clean: Bed made, surfaces dusted and waxed, and window cleaned.
This window always has nose and hand prints. They all like to check on the neighborhood. |
Mom, take my picture! |
Cheese! |
Before Declutter: I feel like I just did my lotions, etc. when I cleaned out the bathroom cabinets so I decided to do the guest room closet. Our pants,my dresses, and
more of Tate's old football stuff hang in this closet because they don't fit in ours.
After Declutter: Pillows on top and then I organized the sheets, blankets, etc. When I switch B's stuff in here I'm sure I'll add her blankets to it also.
Before Organize: Oh my goodness.. this was a hot mess! I love to craft. I haven't in a really long time, but I used to always have some kind of project going on. When my sister and I lived in our last house together before I moved in with Tate we decided to do a lot of DIY decor and I was left with a lot of it. I have a couple more bins at my moms house too, sorry mom! :)
So much tulle! |
and ribbon! |
big hot mess! |
After Organize: This one took some time. Brylee wanted to help and was curious what everything was. She loves to do crafty things too.
All my deco mesh, deco rope, fabric and sewing stuff in here... sidenote, I've always wanted to learn house to sew but never have. Maybe I should take up some classes. |
This looks a little messy but it's not. All my ribbon is color coded in different baggies. Makes it so easy to just grab that bag when I know what color ribbon I need. |
Same here, looks like a mess but it's not. Each baggie has different kinds of paint and glue in them and then one has little pieces (pom poms, cutouts, etc.). The two white containers (yes, those are lysol containers) have glitter tubes and small parts in them. Big paint brushes and rollers on the very bottom and then extra random stuff on top. |
It looks so much better just looking at it! I do need to find something to put my paper crafting things in. |
And something for my tulle... :/ |
I also found these cute pillowcase dresses in there too! They were my nieces and I think they will fit B now. All I have to do is thread the ribbon through them. Yay! |
Successful day!
-Leah :)
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