I absolutely love it. Tate did a pretty good job picking out the house all by himself, I'd say. A month before I moved, Tate and I came down here to find a house. We looked at so many and so many let us down. They just weren't perfect. Neither of us wanted to move into a house just because we needed one. He stayed down for the start of football season and I had to get back to work, Brylee, and our life back in Odessa until we did find a home. For weeks I looked online, emailed and text back and forth to a realtor. She and Tate went and looked at some, but no luck. I was beginning to lose hope and Tate was getting tired of staying on an air mattress on a friends apartment floor. Somehow through talking between coaches, a new rent house was brought up from a friend of a friend of a friend (ya know how that goes) and it happened to be the one! I had to trust Tate on it because it was never put on the market so there were never any pictures of it. The only picture I had was from google..
After weeks of packing and living in a maze of boxes we had a 'move-in date'! It took one whole day, 10 people, and 4 crazy kids to help load up. On August 21 we made the long drive. Normally it would have been about 9 hours, but with a large moving truck and 2 dogs it took almost 12! Talk about a long day! Tate's brother Skyler drove the truck and I followed, both vehicles being packed full!
**notice the deer head
..it moved the entire time...eek**
After being locked out of the house for over an hour (waiting on Tate) and one of my dogs attacking a neighbor doing his evening walks, I got to see my new home! There was no disappointment whatsoever! And yes, the neighbor is fine and doesn't hate me.Whew!
So now we're Edinburg High Bobcats living in McAllen. They are doing okay. It's a transitional year with a lot of new coaches. We only have 2 wins but there was so much improvement in the last game that I have high hopes for the next few.

I love this place! There is so much to do and not to mention we are 2 hours away from the beach (although we've only been twice). I am currently staying at home with B. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love getting to stay home with her and watching her grow. She is doing so much more everyday and is a very busy girl to keep up with (more on her later). I love the freedom of being able to go to the store when it isn't packed with everybody else, I can run errands and spend 3 hours getting new tires (it's happened), but I'm not sure it's for me. I miss working. I miss having something to do all the time. I miss having that time away from her for me (sounds selfish but it's true). I miss the look on her face when I do pick her up from my day at work. We are together
ALL THE TIME! I know, I know.. some moms would love to do that, but FOR ME, it's much harder than I thought it would be. I will be starting back to school in January and I'm hoping to find a part time job sometime soon and hopefully that will help. I've been looking into Day Schools here and think I've found one I like and need to take B to visit. I think it'll be good for her too since she loved MDO in Odessa.
As for my thoughts on moving, it was hard! So hard, but I didn't cry! Not even once! I remember at my going away party my aunt kept asking me if I was crying.. nope, never did. I was emotional, yes, but I think it was needed. Tate moved off for college and I never did, but always wanted to. Sure it's tough. I miss my family, my friends, my sister! I miss lunch with the girls. I miss talking with Tate's mom every afternoon when I picked up B. But a change was needed. Tate was following a dream and I would never do anything to keep him from what he loves.
'Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.' Ruth 1:16
I think that pretty much sums up the move. It's Thursday which means JV games and a late night for Tate. Brylee and I have errands to run and I need to get ready... oops! And she just woke up from her nap.
Have a wonderful day!
-Leah :)