October 24, 2014

5 on Friday Plexus Style!

Happy Friday! The weekend is here. Wooohooo!  Hopefully everybody has something fun planned or maybe just relaxing...hey that's fun too, right?! My weekend to do list has a few fun things planned.  Tate is going to San Antonio to watch a UTEP game so it's just me and Miss Diva until Sunday night. I thought maybe she and I could go to the park for a bit, I have to find a dress for my best friends bachelorette party in 2 weeks, I need to make B's costume, and then Sunday when Tate gets home we are going to make a Haunted Gingerbread House! :) I think I'm the most excited.

Now for my 5 on Friday Plexus Style.


I am a Plexus Ambassador.  I'll make a more in-depth post about Plexus soon, but for now I just wanted to share my 5 most favorite Plexus products. 

Launched in 2009, Slim was designed for a diabetic study that turned into an amazing health product. It balances blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol and lipid levels. It helps lose weight by burning fat and not muscle. All you do is mix the individual serving packet with water and drink up!

Boost is an add on to Slim, formulated to energize your life! The thermogenic blend of incredible ingredients helps suppress appetite, increase energy and lose weight . It was introduced this summer and I've been hooked ever since.  It definitely lives up to it's name!


X-Factor is a multivitamin and antioxidant.  There is no other product like this one! When applied topically, aloe heals the body 121% than the body does on its own.  When taken internally aloe finds the root of the issue and takes care of it.  In order for it to be effective there has to be a significant amount of aloe in the blend.  X-factor has 5 times the amount that the FDA requires to be an "aloe product".  I HAD a very week immune system and haven't been sick once since I started taking it.  6 months without even a simple 'head cold' is great to me!


Bio-Cleanse oxygenates the entire body.  It helps detoxify, cleanse and energize the body. Bio-cleanse also aids in weight loss. Did you know your metabolism is greater in an oxygenated body? With 80% of your health coming right from your gut, it's time to clean that gut out!

The ProBio5 (see BioCleanse picture) features five extra strength probiotics, added enzymes, intestinal flora, B6 and Grape Seed extract  all in one effective delivery system that supports the breaking down of the hostile organisms that negatively impact your health. This is called Candida Yeast Overgrowth. The breakdown of Candida mixed with the bio cleanse will flush it right out! These two products work hand in hand as an awesome combination.   


Plexus also has a pain management line, body cream, breast health check and a BRAND NEW product that I am excited to try myself. 

If you have even the slightest interest in what Plexus has to offer or just simply want to learn more, just send me a message  or visit my Facebook page and I'll be more than happy to talk with ya!

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