January 26, 2016

Let's Talk - New Years

Hi blog friends! I totally didn't mean to skip yesterday because I was going to post my #dailyleah but I spent over half the day working on some new stuff (yay!) and then decided to call it quits and watch The Bachelor! 

Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika on their new "Let's Talk" series! They did a Favorite Things series last year and I missed a lot so I'm excited to join in this year. Today is all about the new year - resolutions, goals and what to look forward to. 

I shared in my Reintroductions and Resolutions post that I don't have resolutions, I have yearly goals with monthly 'to do' lists. I shared my January to do list here. I'm happy to say my boxes are being checked off and that makes me happy. :) One thing on my to do list was to read 2-3 books this month so I took to pinterest and found a ton of reading challenges. None really caught my eye so I decided to make one myself. Feel free to take it and join!  

Another one of my goals/to-do's was to update my blog. I've been playing with the idea of a new blog for a while now and finally made one! Only problem is that I cannot seem to get it connected to bloglovin! Waahhh! Why? Anybody tech smart and maybe know something I don't? Your help would be appreciated! I'm so excited to share it with you and once I get everything figured out, I will. :) 

As far as things to look forward to, lots! :)

This guy and I will celebrate our "date-aversary" this week!

My new niece will be here within the next few weeks and I cannot wait to meet her!
I have a feeling this summer will be fantastic! We don't have any plans yet but I'm hoping Tate and I can get a vacation in there at some point because...

We're (hoping, fingers crossed, I'm so excited) taking Brylee to Disney World for her birthday in late December! She keeps seeing it on TV and I think 4 will be the perfect age to go for the first time. Ha.. who am I kidding, 27 will be the perfect age to go for the first time! Yes, I'll be turning 27 this year and no, I've never been! 

So that's that for today. I'm going to continue working on the new blog, and again, any help will be totally appreciated!

Have a blessed Tuesday!