January 19, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday | Momfessionals

Oh hey, Tuesday! I stayed up entirely too late last night to finish the Bachelor and am surviving on a lot of coffee today! We had a wonderful long weekend. I could totally handle 3-day weekends, Brylee and Tate, I'm not so sure. Tate gets bored and Brylee so isn't interested in school the next day. I can't say I blame her though; we are some serious homebodies! Ha! 

Today I'm linking up with Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic is Momfessionals! Ya know, those confessions you have now that you're a mom. I feel like I Momfess every single day! My life has basically become one big momfessional and Tate and Brylee just get to tag along. ;) I absolutely love being a mom but there are some days I feel like I have not a clue in the world what I'm doing but I hang in there and try my best. 

Bath Time
Nope. Not happening. I mean, Brylee gets a bath, but not from me! I will do anything and everything to get out of it. I hate bath time. She makes such a mess and then to clean that up on top of getting her dressed and ready for bed. Nope. I'd rather do the dishes from dinner. 

I totally will hide in the closet if it means I get to eat a snack in peace. Last oreo, hide it in my purse and take it to my closet. ;) One day she'll catch on, but for now I enjoy my sneakiness! 

Potty Traininig
I mean, I'm trying, and we've been trying for over a year now and she just can't catch on. At first I was concerned but now I think it's just laziness. She is super smart and knows when she needs to go but gets so busy in her toys or movie to go. I've tried everything. 3 day method? Nope. Bribery? Doesn't work anymore. Discipline? Just leaves for a lingering attitude from a threenager! Sigh. I'm afraid I pushed her too soon and now I'm paying for it. 

I always have the TV on and Brylee has always watched it. Even before Brylee, I always had the TV on. I hate the quite and therefore a TV on means there is background noise. Does she sit for 5 hours straight and watch TV? Absolutely not! But it's always on while she plays. 

I don't make Brylee eat. She will go through phases where she won't eat anything for breakfast, lunch or dinner. She will snack on fruits and veggies, sometimes things like granola bars, but she has a very small appetite. Her doctor said that was a phase and totally fine. I was always stressing and struggling to get her to eat when the fact was, she just wasn't hungry. But like he said, when she is hungry, she will eat! The day I quit trying to force her, the better for us all. 

I will read, do puzzles, paint nails, makeup, watch a movie, but please oh please don't ask me to play with dolls. It's not that I don't want to play with Brylee, but I would rather not play with dolls. When I do get suckered into playing with them, we pretend my back is their playground. :) It's like a free back scratch without having to scratch someone else's in return (cough, cough, Tate). 

Sentimental Clutter
I don't have any. I use to be a hoarder until I had to pack up and move for the first time. I keep pictures, important invitations, etc in one box and everything else gets trashed. Now that Brylee is doing more crafty things at school, I'll display them on the fridge or cork board for about a week then I trash them. If she was really really proud of something I'll put that in her box but when she starts getting more, she will go through it and decide what to keep and trash.

Washing my Face
Because we moved so much so quick Brylee's nighttime routine got all messed up and now she thinks we have to lay with her for her to go to sleep. We tried the crying it out and she would cry herself sick. Then she got into a phase where she would turn her closet light on and play. One day I tucked her in and told her I'd be back after I took a shower and washed my face. Not even 5 minutes after, she was out. So that's our new nightly routine. We'll see how long this works before she figures me out. :)

So that's that! My momfessionals for now. I'm sure as soon as I post this something will happen and I'll be like 'oh, good one'! Ha!

Past Show and Tell Tuesday Posts:

Be Blessed Friends


  1. I love having the TV on and same thing I'm not always watching but it's always on in the background!

    1. Always! It's so weird to me when it's quiet in my house.
