January 7, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesdays | Reintroduction and Resolutions

**This post was scheduled to post Tuesday afternoon.. clearly it didn't :( Blogger has done that to me quite a few times and I don't understand why.**

It's the first Show and Tell Tuesday of 2016! I joined in a few of these last year, but it was so much fun to read them all so I decided to try and do more this year. If you don't know what I'm talking about go to Andrea's page and check it out. 

Today's topic is to introduce ourselves and share our New Year resolutions.

Hi, I'm Leah. :) 

girlfriend to Tate.

and mom to Brylee, who just turned 3.

I have two wild personality dogs, Layla (4 year old lab) and Dustee (11 year old Schnauzer).

Between those 4, my life is always busy. Always! Tate is a high school football coach. You will never know just how much a coach puts into their athletes until you have to go through their schedule with them. He has moved us across Texas twice in four years of coaching. We just recently moved to good ol' Ballinger, itty bitty town you won't even see on the map. 

I'm currently working for the City in the Police Department as an Administrative Assistant. I'm still working on finishing my BBA in Marketing/Communications and debating on getting my MBA while I'm at it. I took far too much time off when our sweet baby was born, but looking back now, it was the perfect decision for us. 

My mom and my sister are my best friends. Seriously. Don't know what I'd do without them.

I love all things turquoise, leopard is a neutral that I cannot get enough of, and I'm a total hair snob. I'll leave the house with no makeup in sweats but you better believe my hair will be fixed. 

I love a good pair of wedges and small town life REALLY has me missing Target and Chic Fil A. What used to be daily trips is now about once every other week. Waahhh! 

I'm super competitive and I do love football, and not only because I have to. I'm always watching a good drama filled reality tv show (think Bachelor/ette, Real Housewives), and I love my Jesus! 

That being said, that's my number one goal this year: Get closer to Him! I have started a bible study to finish it in an entire year; I've never done this and I'm super excited! 

As far as resolutions go, I don't have them anymore. I have goals and to do lists. I always set yearly goals and then set smaller monthly goals to help reach the big ones. I feel like I always let myself down if I don't stick to a resolution, but checking things off a list makes me super happy and I'm better off completing them. I'll be back with my January goals tomorrow.

Happy Tuesday Friends! 

1 comment:

  1. Loved learning a little more about you!! Brylee is too cute!!
