April 16, 2015

The one thing that I absolutely hate..

SPIDERS! If you read my post yesterday then you know I had an off day. If not, you should go read that and come back to this one. 

I like legitimately hate spiders. They will just about make this 25 year old cry! Small to big, harmless to deadly.. I hate 'em all! The best spider is a dead spider... right? I once killed a spider at my moms house that lived in her kitchen window. I didn't know it would be a big deal until a few days later while on the phone with her she mentioned the little spider that had been living in her window cactus was gone. Hmm.. wonder why? I didn't know it had become a 'pet'.  Last night after I posted and was shutting down my computer this was me...
Ahhhh! Brylee was already asleep so I screamed then covered my mouth. Tate hadn't made it home yet so I didn't know what to do. This ginormous spider just invited himself to my desk. I watched it happen in slow motion and just froze. At one point he was eye level with me. My desk is in an awkward place so it's very hard to just get up from it (see what I mean here) but I did. I'm not even sure how. Super powers, maybe? I don't know. I was just getting the heck outta there. I knew with the office once being a patio and having no kind of ventilation that I would probably run into a spider in there at some point, that point being last night.  I ran and quickly took my fourth shower for the day! 
Now, on to today. It's been a low-key day here. Woke up, worked out (inside), did our normal morning routine and, since I was still in my workout clothes, I decided to mop the floors. Our house is all tile except the bedrooms. It's a lot of floor to mop; I was considering this my cardio, haha! With the dogs outside and Brylee napping, I got to work. I was sweeping the living room and came into one corner where I have a plant. I went to move the table the plant is on and can you guess what I saw?  A BIG BLACK SPIDER! I did the whole scream and cover my mouth thing again, froze and dropped the broom. Chills just went all over me thinking about it again. Quick reaction plan: the spider hadn't moved so I ran to my closet, put on my boots (remember, I'm in workout clothes) and tried to kick/stomp that spider. Welll.... it was kinda wedged between the wall and window sill and I missed! I picked up the broom and started hitting the area and it wouldn't come out. I nearly started crying because I didn't know where it went. I sat down on the couch for a good 30 minutes just watching and never saw it. I just know it's going to come get me in my sleep. Ahhhh. 

Here is the corner it resides in. That window on the right is the window for the 'office'. Maybe the two spiders are friends.
And here is my lovely ensemble. 
New fashion statement? No? Okay. 
And since we are talking spiders stories, here's a good one for ya. Last Halloween eve, like when we still lived in Odessa, I was up finishing up on Brylee's costume. It was super late, I'm talking 2 AM, when I finally finished and I was heading to bed. I walked through the kitchen and on to our bedroom, remembered I forgot something and went back through the kitchen to the dining room when I was stopped dead in my tracks. There was a tarantula in my kitchen! I HAD to have walked passed it and never even noticed. I, once again, screamed and covered my mouth and ran to get Tate, who didn't even hear me scream. Good to know. I was crying (told ya) and he thought it was funny. At first he didn't believe me and thought I was trying to pull some Halloween prank. Hello? Why? About 20 minutes later the spider was waaaay outside and this heart-racing Leah was going to bed.

What about y'all? Any serious fears?

As for tonight, I'll be sleeping with one eye open after Tate checks every crack and corner in the house!

-Leah :)

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