February 20, 2015

Day 11 - Fridge!

Hi y'all! I get so tickled at B because she says that now. We'll walk into a place and she greets people with 'Hi y'all' and leaves them with 'bye y'all'. My little Texas girl and I love it! I'm sitting here watching our palm trees nearly snap in two because this crazy wind! I'm not going to complain about the cold because I know people anywhere north of me would love for it to be sunny and 58 degrees for the high but here in south Texas I'm totally not use to that anymore! This wind though! I thought  west Texas wind was bad but, hello wind from the gulf. Brylee is napping so I'm blogging and watching Sex and the City and have been for about the last oh 2 hours. The movie is showing now but E!'s been fueling my need for a good TV binge.
 Enough blabbing from me, on to yesterday's challenge... and I'm a few days behind, I know!

Day 11

Clean- Fridge. Today give your fridge a good clean. Tasks are:
  • Open fridge door and take note of what the temperature is. Now turn inside temp control to 'off'. This will save electricity.
  • Throw away anything that is out of date or spoiled. You'll be surprised what you'll find.
  • Move all other items to kitchen counter.
  • Take all removable parts and wash in warm soapy water in the sink.
  • While they are all drying, wipe the inside of the fridge using warm soapy water; don't forget the door shelves.
  • Place all shelves into the fridge.
  • Return food back into the fridge, placing similar food items together.
  • If needed, place a container of baking soda in fridge to eliminate odors.
  • Turn temperature control back on.
  • Wipe down the outside of fridge to clean away sticky spots and fingerprints. 
Declutter - Cookbooks. Find their 'home' or make a notebook of your favorite recipes. If you didn't love it, you don't need it.

Organize - Meal Planning. Figure out what the weeks schedule is and go from there.

New Habit - Meal plan according to your schedule.

5 Minutes Only - Wipe over kitchen appliances.

Before Clean: Ahh my fridge! I don't even like my fridge but I guess when you rent a house that already has one there's no need to buy one. I had one like this growing up but at our last house we had one where the entire top part was a fridge and the bottom like quarter was a freezer. I loved it. I want it back. Anyways...A lot of leftovers that went bad. Tate usually takes leftovers for his lunch but he's been too busy this week with track and they've been eating with them.

After Clean: It looks nice! And empty. Which just tells me I'll have to cut my binge watching short and go to the grocery store. Sigh. I don't mind going but alone and with Brylee and a long list of things.. I can think of much more things we can do instead.

Before Declutter: Ha! My recipes are a disaster. One of those red binders was a gift from my Nana with a ton of wonderful recipes in it. The other is mine with my own recipes, some from my mom's side or just some I've found and printed. That blue bin was full of random things; recipes that I was too lazy to put in the binder, my Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer refills (love them), travel size lotions, Brita filters.. it was a hodge podge of things!
After Declutter: Yay! The blue bin went to Brylee's bathroom for all the 'sun stuff' and everything in it found a home. I put the recipes up where they went but I still want to give them further organization. Another day because, Sex and the City! Then I have my meal planner, daily planner and notebook nicely put!
Organize/New Habit -I have been meal planning once a week, usually on Thursdays, for the following week and it was working okay. Tate brought up planning for an entire month so we can buy in bulk and save money. I'm going to try it for the rest of February and March. I understand his idea but I find it hard to plan for a week, let alone a month, with a picky toddler. We'll see.

I hope y'all are enjoying y'all Wednesday just as I am.

-Leah :)

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